Wednesday 2 February 2011

Power Delays

Looks like there are delays all over the rail and tube network again, as there has been a power supply issue. I seem to have missed the worst of it with only about a 5 minute delay. Better not miss my connecting train.

Thursday 9 December 2010

Snow and Unmentioned Oyster Costs.

Well it would appear that after speaking to the TFL's Oyster customer service people, who checked with their supervisor that I'm less of a customer then those that buy tickets. Last week we had snow in Britain and even after many promises due to the complete failure the previous year the rail network shutdown and almost no trains ran, those that did where delayed and completely packed.
Now it would seem that because I didn't buy a ticket I'm not entitled to a refund, as if you bought a ticket you could just wave it at the gate and they would let you on alternative TFL services.  As I was using a Oyster (top-up in advance and swipe you card at the reader) and had to keep changing services as the one I expected was not coming, which mounted up additional charges.  Then they went on to say even if I am to get a refund I'd have to contact all the different companies involved, but scus me as I bought my services through TFL then I would think my contract is with them.  Something that is reiterated in the sales of goods act, so I can see that I've got a long letter to write.

Tuesday 30 November 2010

White stuff in London

Looks like there is plenty of the white stuff about, and not one delayed train yet. Though watch this space, as I'm sure it will change.

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Everything is late...

Yesterday my train to London was late due to the adverse weather, it was only wind and rain! Last night my train back to the London digs was late too, and now the train into to office is late too. Third times a charm... The announcement said poor rail conditions, also know as leaves on the line. Nice to see a investment in tec to sort this, its cheaper to make me late. So far in the last 3 days I have already lost a hour!

Thursday 21 October 2010

Bowler today and delayed train again

Waitin on my train for the 3rd time this week, trains seem to be almost only running late. Going to probably get worse to with how cold the weather is getting.

Friday 24 September 2010

On the late train.

Well not through my own choice, this one is apparently going to be 8 minutes late. Should just get into the office in time. So I'll be mostly speed walking.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

It had to happen sometime.

Well the trains have been rather good of late, even having rather nice journeys. But like the trains its all change and got a 10 minute delay, meaning I'll be late into the office.